Air conditioner remote control symbols in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor area are not different than in any other part of the world. They are designed to make their use in a simplistic manner by the customers.
Most of the remote control equipment has two parts on their faces, LCD display, and buttons. LCD display shows the customer what is in operation or selected. These are modes of operation, fan, cooling, dry air, and auto.
Automatic working condition is indicated by text (AUTO) as well as a symbol of continuous operation drawn by looping arrow. Dry air mode indicated by water drop half wet half dry together with the text (DRY).
The cooling function is indicated by text (COOL) and the symbol of a frozen water drop. Fan operation has also indicated by the text (FAN) and as a symbol of the house with airflow inside.
Besides this symbol, when the fan button is pressed multiple time fan symbols and the strength of it shown to increase the speed of the fan.
The timer is shown as a clock symbol and pressing that button gives you programmable timer in figures to select. The temperature in the LCD display can move up or down by pressing the TEMP button.
To all these symbols and buttons are simplified the operation for the layman just to press on. The remote control unit transmits the command to the air conditioner indoor unit receivers to apply.
If you need more information about your specific aircon remote control symbols in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor area just contact our service center to explain what is what to you in a simple manner. Call us now.
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